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Ronald Ligteringen

Ronald Ligteringen


Room: F261

Phone: 85880


  • ICT
    • Programming (C, C++, Python, Matlab, shell-script, javascript, CUDA, Deep Learning)
    • Cluster computing/Parallel programming (Slurm, Spack, OpenMP, MPI, CUDA)
    • Programming infrastructure (GIT, Jupyter, workflow)
    • Interfacing (IO, data transfer, pre- and postprocessing)
    • Webservices (mkdocs, jupyterbook, Django, Bootstrap)
    • DelftBlue and HPC cluster contact
    • System administrator
    • Security officer
    • Contact with campus ICT services
  • BHV
  • Internal and external communication
  • Dutch (fluent), English (fluent), French and German


I’ve started working in 1996 as a technical assistant for a PhD project at the group Pattern Recognition. After several years I also started working as a system administrator. to be continued

Last update: 2022-11-03