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Jupyter labs

Learning goals

  • Learn how to solve equations of motion with a computer
  • First experience with numerical methods

There are only very few labs to practice. This is a first attempt to introduce solving physics problems with a computer already early on in the curriculum in the academic year 22/23.

Installation of Jupyter lab enviroment

Before you can start you need to install a Jupyter lab instance on your computer. To this end please install anaconda or (fully graphical) miniconda (for the nerds). The only packages needed are numpy and matplotlib.

Jupyter labs

An introduction.ipynb to get started with the topic. Here all is already filled in, it is for you to learn and see the concept how to tackle solving the equation of motion \(F=ma\) (second order differential equation) with a computer to find \(v(t)\) and \(x(t)\) for a given force.

Below are exercises for you to work with. These exercises are also part of the werk colleges.

  1. Falling with friction part 1 Exercise1.ipynb
  2. Falling with friction part 2 Exercise2.ipynb
  3. Trajectory of a ball at an angle Exercise3.ipynb
  4. Mass-spring system Exercise4.ipynb
  5. Pendulum with a spring Exercise5.ipynb