Driven Damped Harmonic Oscillator
k =
b =
ν =

A mass of 1kg is attached to a spring of length l0 with spring constant k. It is brought out of its equilibrium position and released. A frictional force that is proportional to the velocity of the mass is action on it. The proportionality is b.
The mass is subjected to a sinusoidal force of strength F0 = 20N with frequency ν.
Change the value of k, of b and of ν. Observe what is happening.
The right graph shows the position of the mass as a function of time for the parameters choosen.
The bottom graph gives the amplitude of the oscillations once the transient part has died out. It gives the oscillation du to the driving force for a range of driving frquencies (from 0 to 10 Hz).
The time the simulation runs is fixed and not always sufficient to reach the steady state solution.
Note that the left, lower graph is scaled to the maximum amplitude that can be found for the given k and b values.
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