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If you have any useful tips for using the ImPhys servers please contact the sysadmin or submit your suggestions via the repository of this document:

You can then either create a merge request or create an issue.


Keychain will help you maintaining your SSH-keys and using them automagically. This package is installed on both servers.

Quick start for bash-shell:

  1. identify or create the SSH-keys you want to use on your command line
  2. add the following line with the filenames of the private keys to your bash startup file ~/.bashrc, for example:

    eval "$(keychain --eval $HOME/.ssh/gitlab $HOME/.ssh/id_ed25519)"
  3. next time you login keychain will check if a SSH-agent is already running and if the required SSH-keys are available. If needed you will be asked for a SSH-key unlock password

For more information: