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Topic 14: Compressed sensing MRI


This topic is only suitable for students who have background in Magnetic Resonance Imaging.

  1. Find out how compressed sensing MRI works. Start by reading Lustig et al. paper.
  2. Find out how the Wavelet transform is applied in compressive sensing MRI.
  3. Download the CS data from Brightspace.
  4. The data contains two scans: one in which compressed sensing was applied, and one fully sampled reference scan.
  5. Simulate the compressive sampling data from the fully sampled reference scan by randomly leaving out lines from the k-space of this image (how would you get the K-space data ?).
  6. Implement a compressive sensing algorithm and reconstruct an image from the simulated undersampled data (tip: have a look at the BART toolbox).
  7. Compare your reconstruction with the compressive sensing MR image that you practically acquired.