Topic 7: Digital extended depth of focus¶
- Read and discuss the paper by Liu et al.
- Describe the SIFT image descriptor.
- Try to acquire your own focus stack with the aim of extending the depth of focus.
- Use two of the objective evaluation metrics in section 4.1.3. of the paper to evaluate your results.
- Additionally, you can generate you own dataset with groundtruth images if you have access to a camera/lens with deep/shallow depth of focus (cameras need you allow to change the aperture in order to this - it is called the f-number on cameras often). For this purpose, you first acquire test images with objects and background in-focus and out-of-focus, respectively. Then, you also acquire an image with deep depth of focus. This image serves as your ground-truth image. You apply your code on test images and then compare it with the groundtruth.
Yu Liu, Shuping Liu, Zengfu Wang, Multi-focus image fusion with dense SIFT, Information Fusion, Volume 23, 2015, Pages 139-155, ISSN 1566-2535.