Topic 2: Non-Local means for image denoising¶
- Read and discuss the paper by Buades et al..
- Try different noise models (e.g. Gaussian, salt-and-pepper and shot noise) on different test images (acquire them yourself) with different strength and try to denoise them.
- In addition to NL-means, implement two other denoising methods of your choice and compare the results.
- Investigate which denoising method is most suitable depending on the applied noise.
- Quantitatively assess the performance of your denoising implementation, i.e. visualization of the denoised images is not enough for comparison.
- In addition to standard test images, try to acquire some noisy images using your own camera and then denoise them.
A. Buades, B. Coll, J.-M. Morel: A non-local algorithm for image denoising. Proc. 2005 IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR 2005, San Diego, CA, June 2005), pp. 60–65.